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Noam Chomsky

Spokesman Books | Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

Spokesman Books holds a great collection of titles by the acclaimed Noam Chomsky.

Here you can browse our titles by Noam Chomsky who also regularly appears in our journal The Spokesman of which he said, 'I've just had chance to read The Spokesman ... its really first rate.'

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Washington Connection</span>The Washington Connection
& Third World Fascism
The Political Economy of Human Rights:
Vol. I

by Noam Chomsky & Edward S Herman

The Washington Connection argues with devastating logic and overwhelming documentation that the purpose of US global policy is to make the world safe for exploitation by US corporate interests and that this has required and continues to require the installation and support of brutal military/police dictatorships throughout the Third World. It also requires an apologetic ideology which portrays all this as being in the highest interests of democracy and human rights.

Price: £17.95

414 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 2484


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>After the Cataclysm, Post-war Indochina </span>After the Cataclysm, Post-war Indochina
& the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology
The Political Economy of Human Rights:
Vol II

by Noam Chomsky & Edward S Herman

After the Cataclysm is the story of how the US press prints the news it sees fit to print. It is a valuable, carefully documented assessment of Western reporting on post-1975 Indochina. Especially comprehensive in its treatment of Cambodia, it provides a trenchant and healthy critique of news media coverage that has usually been as tendentious as that dealing with the early years of US military intervention in Indochina.

Price: £17.95

392 pages | Hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 2712


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>East Timor & the Western Democracies</span>East Timor & the Western Democracies
by Noam Chomsky

An address given to the International Conference on East Timor, in Lisbon, May 1979. Chomsky sets out the woeful response to these events from the West. This is significant in itself, both then, and in relation to the continuing atrocities committed on the East Tomorise in recent times. The Indonesian aggression could not have taken place and could not have continued without the crucial support of the Western industrial democracies, and their 'free press'.

This pamphlet is only available as a PHOTOCOPY and the price is inclusive of postage and packing.

Price: £3.50

Spokesman Pamphlet 67


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Race to Destruction</span>The Race to Destruction
Its Rational Basis
by Noam Chomsky

Surveying the historical record, we can find examples of societies so organised that they drifted towards catastrophe with a certain inevitability, systematically avoiding steps that could have changed this course. US society is an example, except that in this case the catastrophe that les ahead involves national and perhaps global suicide. It is hardly unrealistic to surmise that we may be entering the terminal phase of history. The author focuses on the United States, with special reference to its involvement in the countries of Central America and the Middle East.

Price: £2.00

Spokesman Pamphlet 85
ISBN: 978 0 85124 4518


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Lebanon War</span>The Lebanon War
European Nuclear Disarmament Papers
Special Pamphlet

Noam Chomsky, Howard Brenton et. al.

A network of powerful interests has always contrived to slow British reactions to atrocities which carry any hint of American approval. A different lobby has commonly sought to give the state of Israel the benefit of every possible, (and many are far from plausible) doubt.

The 1982 offensive against West Beirut gave tragic confirmation of many of these old doubts. The END Convention resolved to establish links with the Israeli peace movement, and send a mission to the front. This pamphlet offers the full magisterial text from Noam Chomsky, amongst others, written at the beginning of hostilities, and offering us the light of sweet reason during a particularly dark moment.

This pamphlet is only available as a PHOTOCOPY and the price is inclusive of postage and packing.

Price: £3.50

Spokesman Pamphlet 81


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Two Essays on Cambodia   </span>Two Essays on Cambodia
by Noam Chomsky

"During the 1960s, Prince Sihanouk tried, with much success, to save Cambodia from the spreading Indochina war. Nevertheless, the war spilt over into Eastern Cambodia. Those whose information is restricted to American government propaganda may have visions of an invasion of Cambodia by great North Vietnamese armies. The truth is rather different."

This pamphlet is only available as a PHOTOCOPY ONLY and the price is inclusive of postage and packing.

Price: £4.00

Spokesman Pamphlet 5
58 pages


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Voices: Writers and Politics</span>Voices: Writers and Politics
Edited by Bill Bourne, Udi Eichler & David Herman


1. Crisis? What Crisis? - Umberto Eco, Stuart Hall
2. Writers and Politics - Nadine Gordimer, Susan Sontag
3. A New Europe - E. P. Thomson, George Konrad
4. Writing for a Future - Gunter Grass, Salman Rushdie
5. The New Cold War - Noam Chomksy, Fred Halliday
6. What Became of the Boys?
Heinrich Boll, Kurt Vonnegut

Price: £6.99

96 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 493 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Prevent the Crime of Silence:</span>Prevent the Crime of Silence:
Reports from the sessions of the
International War Crimes Tribunal,
founded by Bertrand Russell

Edited by Ken Coates,
Peter Limqueco & Peter Weiss

Foreword by Noam Chomsky

In 1967 the International War Crimes Tribynal held sessions in Stockholm and Roskilde, in Denmark, to hear evidence on the conduct of the war in Vietnam. Invitations to the American Government had been ignored.

This book is intended to assist Russell's initial request of the Tribunal 'to prevent the crime of silence'.

Price: £15.00

384 pages



Spokesman Books | Noam Chomsky

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