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Michael Barratt Brown

Spokesman Books | Michael Barratt Brown

Michael Barratt Brown

Michael Barratt Brown

Our good comrade and friend, Michael, died in London on 7 May after several weeks in hospital following a fall at home. During his long and eventful life, he worked closely with the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and the Institute for Workers’ Control, and was a regular contributor to The Spokesman journal. We shall miss him greatly.

Michael Barratt Brown wrote extensively throughout his life on economics, workers' control and politics. During his long career he served in a Quaker Ambulance Unit and worked for the United Nations and, subsequently, in documentary films, in workers' education, in industrial democracy, in socialist economics, in resisting nuclear warfare, in honest academic research, and in Fair Trade among co-operative organisations.

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Seekers: A Twentieth Century Life</span>Seekers: A Twentieth Century Life
Memories of People and Places, 1918-2013
By Michael Barratt Brown

Michael Barratt Brown sets each chapter of his long and eventful life, from the 1920s to 2013, within the frame of world events. Thus, after childhood and youth, at the end of one world war and the start of another, he writes about his service in a Quaker Ambulance Unit. There followed work for the United Nations and, subsequently, in documentary films, in workers' education, in industrial democracy, in socialist economics, in resisting nuclear warfare, in honest academic research, and in Fair Trade among co-operative organisations. In so doing, the author recalls something of the places, people, family and friends with whom he has been seeking to find a way to live a decent life, and to help others to do the same. Not always successful in these endeavours, he has nevertheless found wonderful love and friendships, as Seekers makes clear. The struggle goes on.

A courageous and exhilarating book, Michael Barratt Brown provides a remarkably honest narrative of his struggles both to live a good life on his own account and to improve the lot of others 'from below upwards' through his work in adult education and Fair Trade. Michael seems to have known almost everyone who mattered. As a child in 1930, he sat on Gandhi's knee. The stories of his loves and friendships give the reader a fascinating insight into the networks of the 20th century intellectual Left.
Biographer and cultural historian

Michael Barratt Brown brings alive the struggles for socialism, and for peace and justice, in the 20th century with fascinating and sometimes very funny stories of everyone that a 21st century radical socialist would want to meet, plus a few that you will be glad to have missed! As important is that, through his stories and reflections, Michael conveys powerfully the potential of a transformative, radically democratic and feminist tradition which has long existed on the Left across Europe. During much of Michael's amazing life, this tradition was marginalised. We need to draw on it now to inspire the alternatives that are so urgent today. So Seekers is a valuable resource as well as a riveting read.
Red Pepper co-editor
Fellow of the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam

John Field - Vol 33(4) of International Journal of Lifelong Education

Price: £18.95

220 pages | 80 illustrations
ISBN: 978 0 85124 825 7
Published Oct 2013



Alfred Barratt Brown

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Machine and the Worker</span>The Machine and the Worker
By Alfred Barratt Brown

'This is one of the most interesting, informative and insightful books I have encountered on this topic. It is both cautionary and inspirational …

Although it was published in 1934 when the author was Principal of Ruskin College, Oxford, its great strength is that it still provides a multidisciplinary framework in which to consider how to progress further the matters addressed. It shows the need to campaign for socially useful systems in an era of exponential technological change, when the gap between technology's potential and its reality becomes a yawning chasm.

Those initiating technological change usually provide an account of its positive features only. History shows, however, that it is a double-edged affair, a form of Faustian exchange. The author deals deftly with this by providing a sort of balance sheet of the gain and losses of such systems …

This is indeed a tour de force and is written in a form that makes it not only accessible but a delightful read. It should be widely read and discussed, not least in departments of engineering and design, as works of this kind are surely as important as mathematical or machine theory.

The Barratt Brown family are to be thanked for making this book available for republication, and Spokesman Books should also be thanked for making it a reality.'

Mike Cooley, from his new foreword

Price: £9.99

216 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 838 7
Published Oct 2014


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Great Democrats</span>Great Democrats
Edited by Alfred Barratt Brown

Long out of print, this 2012 edition of Great Democrats restores to new generations a seminal work in the struggle against the rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s.

'There are great men who have also been Democrats, but the figures chosen for these pages are principally those of men and women who have been great as Democrats - great, that is to say, either in the extent to which they embodied in their lives and characters the democratic temper and attitude to mankind, or in the measure of their contribution to the democratic movement.'
Alfred Barratt Brown in his Preface, 1934

'For an historian the Contents page of Alfred Barratt Brown's book is exciting enough, particularly when combined with 1934, its date of publication. How is it possible not to plunge straight into Frances Evelyn Countess of Warwick on Joseph Arch? … And then there is Henry Nevinson on Edward Carpenter, Katherine Bruce Glasier on Keir Hardie, Oliver Baldwin on William Morris … The imaginative author-subject couplings will whet any appetite. G.D.H. Cole on William Cobbett; Ray Strachey (novelist and author of the classic The Cause: a short history of the Women's Movement in Great Britain, 1928) on Millicent Fawcett … Bertrand Russell on Thomas Paine … '
Stephen Yeo in his Foreword, 2013

' … the whole purpose of my father's book was to respond to the current rise to power of the dictatorships and, most particularly, of Hitler … and to recognise that Democracy, and being a Great Democrat, is not just about embracing a form of government, but a principle of government, espousing the triad of liberty, equality and fraternity.'
Michael Barratt Brown in his Introduction, 2013

Free Downloads
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Introduction by Michael Barratt Brown
Edward Carpenter by Henry W. Nevinson
William Cobbett by G. D. H. Cole
Eugene Debs by Norman Thomas
William Godwin by H. N. Brailsford
Jean Jaures by Henry de Man
Mary Macarthur by Mary Agnes Hamilton
Mary Wollstonecraft by Evelyn Sharp

Reviewed by Anthony Arblaster in Red Pepper - March 2014

Price: £24.95

724 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 827 1
Published Sept 2013




<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Young Person's guide to the Global Crisis</span>Young Person's guide to the Global Crisis
and the Alternative
By Michael Barratt Brown

This book is aimed at young people - in sixth forms, at universities and colleges, in their first jobs, or still looking for a job.

It's about crisis in the global economy which seems pretty much of a turn-off, but it has become important, because getting jobs and keeping jobs depends on what is happening to it; and a whole generation could be blighted by it, like the generation that came to the job market in the 1930s.

Price: £9.00

112 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 620 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The May Day Manifesto</span>The May Day Manifesto
Defending the Welfare State
By Michael Barratt Brown

This book concerns the maintenance of the welfare state and the social wage. It dismantles the arguments of those who seek to over turn the post-war settlement. The reason we began at this point was simple: it was here that many of the most vulnerable people in society were coming under attack. So, this Manifesto seeks not only to enrich our understanding, but to bring practical help to those in need.

Price: £6.99

128 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 615 4


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Social Costs of Business Enterprise</span>The Social Costs of Business Enterprise
By K W Kapp
Edited by Michael Barratt Brown

Social Costs is an environmental classic. The main purpose of this book is to present a detailed study of how private enterprise, under conditions of unregulated competition, tends to impose social costs which are not accounted for in entrepreneurial outlays. Instead these costs are shifted to and borne by third persons and the community as a whole. Thus, this book deals at the same time with a specific technical economic question and with broad issues of social philosophy and economic knowledge.

Further information on K. William Kapp.

'Kapp's influence is growing in ecological economics. Social Costs is one of the greatest economics books of the 20th century.'

Julien-François Gerber
Department of Economics
Harvard University

Price: £25.00

348 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 637 6



European Labour Forum

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>A European Recovery Programme</span>A European Recovery Programme
Edited by Ken Coates & Michael Barratt Brown

Contributors include: Francis Cripps, Jacques Delors, Wynne Godley, Stuart Holland, John Hughes, Allan Larsson, Sir Donald MacDougall, Andrew Marvell, Regan Scott, Peter Townsend and Terry Ward

This book proposes a detailed framework for a recovery programme and seeks to prove that mass unemployment is not at all inevitable and can be overcome.

Price: £9.99

138 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 549 2
ELF Books 7


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Right to Work</span>The Right to Work
The Loss of our First Freedom
Edited by Ken Coates
with chapters by: Michael Barratt Brown,
John Hughes and John Wells

A whole generation has been born, completed its schooling, and entered an increasingly hostile labour market, without ever knowing any relief from mass unemployment. In Britain, calamitous levels of unemployment amongst young people are shadowed by poverty, rising crime, and growing fear of crime.

In this book John Wells has shown how far the British unemployment statistics are polluted, and his testimony has not been effectively challenged. His evidence is reinforced by that of John Hughes, who has shown a similar level of pollution of the employment statistics.

Price: £6.99

122 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 578 2
ELF Books 9




<span style='font-size: 14px;'>What Went Wrong</span>What Went Wrong
Edited by Ken Coates

Contributors: Michael Barratt Brown, Geoff Bish,
Francis Cripps, Frank Field MP, Tom Forester,
Stuart Holland MP, John Hughes, Michael Meacher MP, Frances Morrell

We are reprinting What Went Wrong at a time when it has become a matter of conventional wisdom, a popular myth hardly ever challenged, that the Callaghan Government fell in 1979 because of unbridled trade union mutiny and turbulence. The accounts in this book demonstrate that this explanation is not only grossly over-simplified but is also a travesty of what really happened. Foreword to 2008 Edition

Alistair Graham reviewed this title in the August edition of The Forest & Wye Clarion.

Price: £12.00

256 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7540


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Blair Revelation</span>The Blair Revelation
Deliverance for Whom?
by Ken Coates and Michael Barratt Brown

Whatever is happening to the Labour Party?

Michael Barratt Brown and Ken Coates seek to tell the truth as they understand it of the changes which the Labour Party has recently undergone. They have looked closely at Mr Blair's much hyped commitment to ethical socialism. They examine the meaning of his idea of 'community', and test his claims that he stands in the tradition of Christian Socialism.

Price: £6.99

224 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 6055



Workers' Control

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Can the workers run industry?</span>Can the workers run industry?
Edited by Ken Coates

Contributions by Hugh Scanlon, Ian Mikardo, Ernie Roberts, Michael Barratt Brown, Terry Lacey and others.

With the British Economy staggering from one crisis to the next, the issue of Industrial Democracy becomes increasingly important. Behind all the discussion of little Neddies, Income Policies and rationalisation people are beginning to realise that the most vital economic resource is the initiative of the workers themselves. The basic problem facing the C.B.I. and the Trade Unions is to ensure that the week's work becomes a challenge rather than a burden.

The aim of this book is to show that the best cure for the 'roll on Friday' attitude is to involve the workers actively and vitally in the process of making decisions. The old formula of nationalisation is not enough: there is a demand for new, experimental forms of democratic organisation.

In this volume trade union leaders, shop stewards, university teachers and political leaders present their views and plans for the future of industrial democracy in Britain.

Price: £5.95

254 pages | Paperback
First published 1972
ISBN: 0 90174 0306


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Labour & Sterling</span>Labour & Sterling
Michael Barratt Brown

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 3

PDF available online

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Opening the Books</span>Opening the Books
Michael Barratt Brown

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 4

Price: £2.00


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The 'Big Flame' & What is IWC </span>The 'Big Flame' & What is IWC
Michael Barratt Brown & Ken Coates

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 14

PDF available online

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>GEC - EE Workers' Takeover </span>GEC - EE Workers' Takeover
Michael Barratt Brown, Ken Coates, Ken Fleet, Richard Fletcher, Brian Nicholson, Freddie Silberman, and Tony Topham

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 17

PDF available online

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Public Enterprise Defended</span>Public Enterprise Defended
Michael Barratt Brown

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 29

PDF available online

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>What Really Happened to the Coal Industry?</span>What Really Happened to the Coal Industry?
Michael Barratt Brown

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 31

PDF available online

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Public Ownership and Democracy</span>Public Ownership and Democracy
Michael Barratt Brown & Stuart Holland

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 38

Price: £2.00

ISBN: 978 090174 0366


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Accountability and Industrial Democracy</span>Accountability and Industrial Democracy
Michael Barratt Brown and Ken Coates

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 50

Price: £2.00

ISBN: 978 090174 0489


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Europe 1992</span>Europe 1992
Michael Barratt Brown

IWC Pamphlet Series No. 93

Price: £2.00

ISBN: 978 090174 0939



The Spokesman

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Resist Much, Obey Little</span>Resist Much, Obey Little
A collection in honour of Ken Coates
Spokesman 116
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial
Ken Coates - Insistent Lad
Ken Coates - Poverty and the IWC
Ken Coates interviewed by George Lambie
A Political Life
Michael Barratt Brown
The Institute for Workers’ Control
Bill Silburn - St Ann’s
Regan Scott - About Ken
John Daniels - Lifelong Comrade
Tony Benn interviewed by Tony Simpson
History Will Be Kind


Stuart Holland on Ben Bella

A review of Resist Much, Obey Little by Ross Bradshaw for History Workshop Online

Price: £6.00

126 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8141


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Syria and Iran</span>Syria and Iran
Spokesman 115
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: Syria and Iran
Aisling Byrne - Regime change in Syria?
Brian Jones - Iran - lessons unlearnt
Ayse Berktay - Prison Notes
Trevor Griffiths - Habaccuc Dreams
Gabriel Kolko - Germany goes for broke
Stuart Holland - Europe needs growth
Lord Byron - Framing ideas
Christopher Gifford - Nuclear Explosions
Michael Barratt Brown - Ill fares the land

Jim Mortimer reviews Ken Livingstone's Memoirs

Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8110


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>What's happening at Fukushima?</span>What's happening at Fukushima?
Spokesman 112
Edited by Tony Simpson

Tony Simpson - Editorial: What's happening at Fukushima?
Masakazu Yasui - Letter from Japan
Katsunobu Sakurai - Appeal from Minamisome
Johan Galtung - Libya
Mustafa Barghouti - Lessons from Egypt
Alexis Lykiard - Setting Out
Merav Amir & Dalit Baum - Corporate Complicity
Michael Barratt Brown & David Browning - Paying for Higher Education
Zhores Medvedev - Dangerous Occupation
Michael Moore - America is not broke
Raoul Marc Jennar - What's left?
Barry Baldwin - Ancient Socialism
Ian Watson - God, King, and Dennis Law


Price: £6.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8004


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Revolutions</span>Revolutions
Altering the World Money
Tom Paine ... Two, Three, Many Revolutions

Spokesman 104
Edited by Ken Coates

Paul Rogers - Drone Wars in Pakistan
Ken Coates - Blowback or Frame-up in Lancashire?
Peter Linebaugh - Tom Paine: Two, Three, Many Revolutions ...

Altering the World Money
Michael Barratt Brown - On Redistribution
Stuart Holland - On Bretton Woods
Ken Coates - Unfinished Business
Zhou Xiaochuan - How to Do It

John Dugard - Apartheid in Palestine

Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Nurit Peled - Until When?
Ken Coates - Russell Tribunals
Richard Falk - Situation in Palestine

George Galloway MP - Viva Palestina
Tony Simpson - Licence to Torture
Bryan Gould - I Disown this Government


Price: £6.00

104 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7687


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Slump and War</span>Slump and War
Spokesman 102
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Noam Chomsky - Meltdown Election
Roy and Zhores Medvedev - South Ossetia
John Berger - From A to X
Richard Minns - Weapons for Pensions
Oskar Lafontaine - The Crisis
Michael Barratt Brown
Edward Carpenter, Unsung Hero


Price: £6.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7618


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Suicide Bombers</span>The Suicide Bombers
Spokesman 87
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert S. McNamara - Joy Shall be in Heaven ...
Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma - The Final Abyss
Zia Mian - The Nuclear Future?
Kurt Vonnegut - Three Poems
Rudyard Kipling - Mesopotamia 1917
John Berger - World Tribunal on Iraq
Arundhati Roy - The Age of Irony
Hans von Sponeck - How the UN Failed
Ken Coates - Unfinished Business for the Peace Movement
Michael Barratt Brown - Mr Blair's Africa


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7137


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>From Tom Paine to Guantanamo</span>From Tom Paine to Guantanamo
Spokesman 83
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Robert Fisk - Iraq Implodes
Michael Moore - Living with Farenheit 9/11
Bertrand Russell - Tom Paine
Kurt Vonnegut - Skull and Bones
Inge Genefke & Bent Sorenson - Torture is a Crime
Ken Coates, Robin Blackburn, Andre Brie & Michael Barratt Brown - European Social Forum in London
Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal & Rhuhal Ahmed - Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay
James Kirkup - Broad Daylight


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 7021


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The New American Century?</span>The New American Century?
Spokesman 76
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Peter Gowan - The New American Century?
John Berger - Correspondence with Subcomandante Marcos
John Pilger - Tell Me Lies about Iraq
Scott Ritter, William Rivers Pitt, Rolf Ekeus & Felicity Arbuthnot - Weapons Inspection: some witnesses
Noam Chomsky - Voyage to Diyarbakir
Michael Barratt Brown - Will Hutton's Brave New Europe


Price: £5.00

88 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6727


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>'Collateral Damage' or Unlawful Killings? </span>'Collateral Damage' or Unlawful Killings?
The Amnesty Report
Spokesman 69
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Noam Chomsky - 'Peace Process' Prospects
Michael Barratt Brown - On Debt and War
Diane Johnstone - Nato's Mixed Motives
Amnesty International - 'Collateral Damage'
Pierre Sone - Soliders and Human Rights
Zhores A. Medvedev - Stalin and the Atomic Gulag


Price: £6.00

136 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6413


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Short Millennium?</span>The Short Millennium?
Spokesman 68
Edited by Ken Coates

Ken Coates - Editorial
Arundhati Roy - The End of Imagination
Ken Coates - The Short Millennium?
Noam Chomsky - Rogue States
Frank Blackaby - On Proliferation
Zhores Medvedev - Stalin and the Hydrogen Bomb
John Arden - Work, Chores and War
Yash Tandon - Debt and Poor Countries
Issam Makhoul - Israel and Vanunu
Michael Barratt Brown - New Labour, New Language


Price: £5.00

96 pages | A5 size
ISBN: 978 085124 6352



Socialist Renewal

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Arms for Oil</span>Arms for Oil
By Michael Barratt Brown

It is a fact, an unfortunate fact, that economic relations between the West and the Arab and other Islamic countries could for many years be described accurately in just three words “Oil for Arms” or alternatively “Arms for Oil"

Price: £5.00

62 pages | ISBN: 978 085124 6987
4th Series Number 4


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic</span>The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic
By Michael Barratt Brown, Edward S. Herman & David Peterson

What is happening in the court-house in The Hague, to which Slobodan Milosevic has been brought, intermittently, since 2002? What purpose does the International Criminal tribunal for Former Yugoslavia serve?

Price: £5.00

80 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 6932
4th Series Number 2


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Redistribution</span>Redistribution
A Silent Counter Revolution
By Michael Barratt Brown

In this discussion on the shifting balance between the power of capital and labour in Britain, Michael Barratt Brown charts the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich under New Labour.

Price: £2.00

17 pages | ISBN: 978 085124 6833
3rd Series Number 8


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Third Way or Feeding the Fat Cats</span>Third Way or Feeding the Fat Cats
By Michael Barratt Brown

In this pamphlet Michael Barratt Brown critically examines Prof. Anthony Giddens's Fabian Pamphlet 'Where Now for New Labour?' Giddens's stated aim is to defend New Labour, and the Third Way, against its critics, with a wholesale onslaught on 'old Labour'. Barratt Brown looks in detail at what Giddens means by 'old Labour', and exposes these 'myths of the left'. He then assesses New Labour's embrace of the private sector in providing public services and the role of business in government. "In regard to the major aim of reducing inequalities in Britain, Giddens is entirely complacent about New Labour ... " writes Barratt Brown, who cites the relevant statistics on widening income gaps between rich and poor.

Price: £2.00

16 pages | ISBN: 978 085124 6642
2nd Series Number 10


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Third Way ... To Where?</span>Third Way ... To Where?
By Michael Barratt Brown

When the third way was invented, not the least of its attractions to its promoters was that if offered a convenient bridge to enable President Clinton to take a position on the same platform as European Socialist Prime Ministers, without undergoing an inconvenient 'conversion' to some form of social democracy. The Third Way was a perfect foil for such an impostor. It afforded a media-friendly cover for the extension of neo-liberal politics of deregulation, the untrammelling of market forces, privatisation and the roll-back of welfare.

'The ideas associated with the Third Way are still the wave of the future for progressive politics' says Tony Blair. Ken Coates and Michael Barratt Brown examine what this 'wave of the future' has brought us, and where it may yet wash us up.

Price: £2.00

20 pages | ISBN: 978 085124 6505
2nd Series Number 4


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Captive Party</span>The Captive Party
How Labour was taken over by Capital
Michael Barratt Brown

The Mandelson resignation revealed some of the close personal connections of the man himself and other Ministers with wealthy businessmen and women. In this little book Michael Barratt Brown reveals, with much detailed evidence, that this is but a tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface there is a massive bonding between New Labour and Big Business, British and American.

Price: £5.00

70 pages | ISBN: 978 085124 6451
2nd Series Number 2


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Where Blair is Wrong</span>Where Blair is Wrong
By Michael Barratt Brown

Price: £2.00

20 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 6086
1st Series Number 11


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>The Yugoslav Tragedy</span>The Yugoslav Tragedy
Lessons for Socialists
By Michael Barratt Brown

Price: £6.99

82 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 5881
1st Series Number 5


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Democracy versus Capitalism</span>Democracy versus Capitalism
A response to Will Hutton with some old questions for New Labour
By Michael Barratt Brown with Hugo Radice

Price: £4.99

48 pages | ISBN: 978 0 85124 5874
1st Series Number 4



Spokesman Books | Michael Barratt Brown

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